Coin Reactive Ink

This ink produces a transparent or white image on a substrate. Rubbing the printed area with the edge of a coin or metal object can reveal the image. Coin reactive ink cannot be copied and provides immediate verification of a document’s authenticity without the use of any specialized devices. Effect from rubbing the printed area…

Color Shifting Ink

These inks contain microscopic pieces of metallic substances or variable pigments which display color changes depending on the angle of observation or lighting. An unaided eye will observe this effect as a change of color when the viewing angle is changed. Color shifting inks consist of multi-layered micro flakes in a transparent ink medium. The…

Erasable Ink

Erasable inks are generally used in the printing of background artwork. When an attempt is made to mechanically alter or erase information, the artwork is removed in that area. Erasable inks are designed to react in the same manner as solvent or chemical reactive inks. Scenic or pantograph backgrounds on checks are commonly printed with…

Intaglio Ink

This is a means of applying a thick and highly pigmented ink onto paper using etched or engraved plates and high pressure. The pressure forces the substrate into the recessed areas of the printing plate, thereby producing a raised tactile relief which can be recognized under oblique light. Intaglio provides highly secure printing techniques that…

Metallic Inks

These inks often contain metallic pigments containing particles that mimic metals like aluminum or bronze. They are used as components of printing inks to simulate metallic or other highly reflective surfaces. Metallic ink is not a security ink in the strict sense, as it is freely available to any commercial printer; however, metallic ink is…

Metameric Inks

These are chemically different inks that are paired to appear identical under one lighting condition, but look markedly different under another lighting condition or when viewed through a filter, usually red. They are often used to embed a hidden design or shape behind another printed image. Metameric effects cannot be copied by four-color reproduction systems…

Pen Reactive Inks

Similar to coin reactive inks, these inks are used to produce a transparent or white image on a substrate. Marking the printed area with a special felt tip pen can reveal this image. Pen reactive ink cannot be copied and is an easy way to verify a document’s authenticity. Application of the pen permanently marks…

Thermochromic Inks

These are colored or colorless inks that exhibit a visible, reversible color change or absence of color, in this case when exposed to heat, e.g. rubbing the surface or placing the substrate near a heat source. Once the source of heat is removed, the color gradually reverts to its original state. Because of its unique…