Control Numbers

Control numbers are used for inventory control of secure items and can also be used to relate the variable data on the item to a searchable database. Alpha-numeric strings that can be applied to an item to facilitate track and trace. Control numbers can additionally act as authenticators via special inks: Bleed thru Phosphorescent MICR…


Embossing results in a physical deformation of a printed or unprinted item’s surface to create a tactile effect as well as an observable image visible under an oblique angle.

Laser Ablation

The process of removing material from a solid surface by irradiating it with a laser beam. At low laser flux, the material is heated by the absorbed laser energy and evaporates or sublimates. In printed documents, this results in an image, number or code being created by burning the ink from a solid inked area,…

Tactile Code

An image that has been embossed, debossed, or stamped into a surface of a substrate but has not been printed or foil stamped. Creates a raised impression used as an authenticator.

Bleed Ink

A security ink containing dyes designed to penetrate the substrate (usually paper) so that any attempt at mechanical erasure will cause visible damage to the document. These inks are very difficult to remove from a document without causing damage. They are commonly used to prevent forgers from manipulating data on a document. The inks are…

Chemically Reactive Ink

These inks contain a security agent that is sensitive to chemicals commonly used to alter documents, e.g., polar and non-polar solvents and bleach. Any attempted chemical attack will cause sensitized surfaces to run, bleed, stain, reveal hidden text, change color or even disappear, indicating tampering.