This section is a public description of the DSA eGlossary. If you are a current member, please go to the full version in the Members section.
The DSA eGlossary of security features is a comprehensive database to provide governments and our members with a research tool that they can use when developing new documents or analyzing existing documents.
There are a multitude of security glossaries published by various resources around the globe. As a rule these glossaries tend to focus upon a specific category of technologies, rendering them somewhat biased in their explanations and sometimes incomplete when considered in context with other competing technologies.
DSA has created a comprehensive glossary of security features and terms described in a manner understood by someone unfamiliar with the art, and, at the same time described in generic terms so as no not favor a particular member’s technology. All technologies detailed in the eGlossary have been commercialized and are in use today.
The eGlossary is available only to our members and to governments who specifically request access. To request access, please send an email to DSA’s Secretariat at